Everyone longs for some rest,
Birds long for the warmth of the nest,
Sun is about to say goodbye for the day,
And gloomier gets every pathway. 

Along the shore the waves sway,
Somewhere the ships go sailing away, 
The trees sway gently in the air,
There’s laziness and grace everywhere.

Soon the sky turns black ,
Lights begin to dominate every track,
Stars add up to the black sight ,
Nice and ready to ablaze the night.

Fireflies with their green light,
Ready to beautify the night,
The white dots keep twinkling away,
Till deep into the night in the sky they stay. 

The white dots against the black background, 
Beauty in darkness, all around,
Within this beauty lies my bliss,
It simply can’t get any better than this!

                  -Nikesh Lilani

19 thoughts on “MY BLISS

  1. I’ve been reading all your poems, just now, and enjoy them all. I see where you have good insight of life and the world, with descriptive images and thoughts done in rhyme. This one above is particularly nice. Keep up the good work and submit where you can. Just getting it out there on the blog can maybe influence one or make a positive difference in one’s life. God bless you in your life and in your writing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. One thing I would like to tell is that you are truly kind and the most perfect blogger. Everyone just thinks about his/ her blog, but you are selfless.
      You have spending your precious time, reading my poems, I promise you, that I’ll keep following your blog, read and comment about every possible post I can… thank you again for your selflessness.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. There might be a lot of factors affecting how a blogger thinks and acts on matters relating to interaction with other bloggers works. Since I started blogging, I took it upon myself to really grow from it. One way for me to achieve growth is by writing, another is by reading.
        I guess I just have this character that if I really like something I’ve read I don’t mind giving the due compliments; firstly, because of the efforts exerted to come out with something worth reading, and more importantly, we’re not all writers by profession, and so a good post is truly an accomplishment of sorts.
        Give due respect to any post, if it doesn’t speak directly to you at the time being it doesn’t mean it has nothing of value in it. For me, a rant equals a well-thought of article if it has something really important in it to share.
        Press “like” if you really like a post otherwise be polite not to press anything if you don’t 😉
        “Selfless” might be overrating, this is just who I am. if you’ve been reading my posts, I consider blogging as a therapy; it has been helping me get by. Blogging is not just writing, it includes everything from posting, reading to giving out and accepting comments. Nonetheless, thank you that you think about me in such a way 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Whatever you’ve mentioned, is absolutely bang on target. I like you attitude as far as blogging is concerned, and also your attitude as a person. You seem to be a humble person and a curious reader, reading the posts very carefully, and leaving the most perfect reply… hoping to see more writers and bloggers like you…

        Liked by 1 person

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